Five years today I gave birth to a beautiful brown-eyed little girl. Lily Elizabeth Ensley, my Lilybug, my bug, my buggy. She was the perfect addition to my growing family. We already had a wonderful son, but this little girl took a piece of my heart away the moment I laid eyes on her.
I have a bond with my own mother that is unbreakable, and I knew that with my little girl I would have that same bond. She looked just like her daddy and grandmother, a stubbornness like her grandfather, compassion like her Nonnie, and an inner strength that was inspiring.
My husband knew from the moment I was pregnant that she was a girl. He knew she was going to be his angel. The idea of a father like my husband having this little girl would always bring a tear to my eyes. The moment he held her for the first time, I knew we were in trouble. Seeing the two of them together for the first time, you could feel that bond made immediately.
Lily has pushed us as parents. She's always been tough, she's always been a fighter, but she pulls this little girl act when she wants something. She's a daddy's girl through and through, but she loves her momma. As much as she loves her mom & dad, when grandma & granddad we don't exist.
She has been the best friend my son could ask for. She supports him in everything he does. She looks up and admires him. The love that they share reminds me of my love for my brother and sister. A friend for life.

My mom always told me that being a mom is the greatest joy but the hardest job. I never understood how much you depend on your faith as you watch your kids grow. I've held my breath many times as I see her climb, run, jump. She absorbs everything and wants to try anything you put in front of her. She is fearless (unless her crazy brother talks her out of something).
She's funny. She has her aunt & uncle's witty sense of humor and her father's sarcasm. She can make you laugh at a moment's notice, even when you are not in the mood to play around. There have been many a moments when I want to be mad at her and I have to turn my back to laugh at what she has said.
She has her mother's rhythm. She loves music and loves to dance. She sings songs at the top of her lungs. She doesn't care who sings with her, she just loves her music.
She is an animal lover. She carries around this little pink stuffed animal poodle named Puppy. Puppy has been around since she was six months old. Puppy has had many surgeries, many body lifts, many back and neck surgeries. As much as this puppy drives me crazy, I'm not sure who will miss it more when she stops carrying her around everywhere, me or her. Puppy has become a staple for every trip we make. There have been a few times where puppy has been misplaced and it has been a scary situation of what are we going to do if we lost her permanently. We've tried replacements, but they don't work. Our cat Apollo has been around since she was six months as well. She and Apollo are best of friends and even to this day you can catch them both laying almost on top of each other on the couch as she watches t.v. and he is taking a cat nap. Its so sweet to watch them together.
I watch her grow. She makes me proud. She is one of my joys. She is baby girl and always will be.