Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Dirt Road Anthem"~Jason Aldean

Lots to catch up on today.  
Even though last week I had a really bad bout of insomnia, but even with that I went from 0-1 on the scale Thursday, Friday, Saturday and even into Sunday.  I did another travel weekend, heading to Richmond on Friday night.  
We went to Kings Dominion on Saturday with friends and it turned out to be a great day.  Very relaxing and the weather couldn't have been more perfect for that park.  (There's not a lot of shade so cloudy, cool days are better to go.)  The kids had never been so they were excited when we got there.  I handled the crowds, weather and even rode a couple rides, that's right, I rode a couple rides!  They weren't crazy ones, but I came off of them with little symptoms.  
We had an awesome lunch with some dear friends.  My son, who is a cub scout, sat with our favorite big guy Wachichu and made a Native American beaded choker so he could show his den.  I was even able to concentrate long enough to make myself one.  I was very proud of myself.
I didn't realize how tired I was until I got into the car to come home.  I made it out of Richmond about 10 minutes before I crashed.  I slept the rest of the way home and then when I got home. 
After some long hours of sleep the last couple of days, I'm starting to feel a bit back to my normal again which is good.My ear pressure has been pretty bad the last couple of days, so I've been coping with that.  Because of the increased pressure a lot of the rocking has come back which sucks, but I'm bound and determined to work through it.  Unfortunately its made it to where I haven't been able to do my workout routine the last two days, so I'm going to get back on track with that.  Today is also Wednesday which is my grocery shopping day so I need to get myself mentally prepared for that. 
Its tough with this syndrome to go from really good days to bad, from one type of symptom you are feeling to one you've never had before.  Its difficult to adjust constantly.  It gets tiring and you just wanted to be your "old" self. But alas, you get this new and not so improved you and you just push forward, because there is nothing else you can do.  There was a post on our support group site of comments people always give us that drive us crazy to hear.  As I was reading them, I started to laugh because a lot of them are ones I hear from everyone around me whether loved ones or complete strangers.  I know most people say these comments out of love or concern, or just plain curiosity.  But on my bad days when I don't have the patience to sit and explain, I almost want to have an app on my phone that answers for me.  You know one of those diagrams that start out with a question in a box then there are the answers with arrows ... yes or no...and you follow the arrows down until you get to the solution.  Its practically an invisible syndrome.  There are no physical attributes to it except with your movement such as walking, standing up, squatting down, falling over.  Basically you look like an enormous klutz.  There is nothing to outwardly show that you have anything wrong with you.  My grandfather likes to always point out that "It's hard to remember she's even sick until you see her walk crooked."  The main reason for that is, I don't always talk about it.  I don't want to always say how I'm feeling or how my symptoms are.  It gets me down.  So I try to stay upbeat.  I continue on with normal life duties as much as possible.  I push through my higher symptom days the best way I know how. 
Don't get me wrong.  I like to teach and inform people of what it is.  I don't mind explaining what is happening to me the best way that I can explain it.  When people ask me now how I'm feeling, I pretty much say "its a bad day" or "its a good day" or "today i'm just trying to relax" because thats what i do on the worst days, I take it easy and don't push.  The best part that I've come to realize is that I've noticed how lucky I am with my support system and those in my life who are okay to accept my short answers.  Some days you just don't want to explain and you just want to be in your own world with it and that's okay too.  

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