Wednesday, May 29, 2013

"End of the Road"~Boyz II Men

Song choice came from me and my sis rocking this song out on our trip back from South Carolina.  Also seemed pretty appropriate for the way that today's post is going.
I survived the trip.  I did pretty well going down.  I traveled with Josh and my kids, my sis and her little 2 year old and my mom.  We went to visit my dad and grandparents.  I used to try to get down there once a year, but didn't get down last year because of being diagnosed.  I miss my family down there and enjoy every visit while I'm there.  
We traveled really late Friday night and arrived in Spartanburg at about 6:00 in the morning.   We stayed the weekend and drove back on Monday.  The trip is about a 6 1/2-7 hour trip.  I was doing good until about 2 hours left of the trip I started feeling it.  The rocking, the headache, the nausea.  But I tried to not think about that, and pushed my concentration on singing and dancing around with my sister and being goofy.  
The trip down I took all of my meds that I have which consisted of a Transderm scope patch, Valium, Meclizine and Phenerghan.  The trip back I didn't have a patch on and I couldn't take my Valium because that's only for night time.  I still did really well.  I was very tired that night and into the next morning but I was expecting that.  Besides, most people feel that way after a trip like that, so it was no surprise.  
I was worried about waking up Tuesday and feeling symptoms, however, I actually felt pretty good.  I felt like my "normal."  I still have my rocking and swaying, but I can deal with it.  I felt great about myself being able to push through the chaos of a long distance trip in such a short period of time.  
Yesterday was officially one year since I started having symptoms.  One year of continuous rocking and swaying.  My world literally shifting and moving, when I'm standing still.  I've had friends go on trips and come off of boats or planes and feeling a tiny bit of what I have felt every day.  For anyone to feel this for even an hour is too long.  
I've been having way more good than bad days and I'm hoping that this is a sign of a remission coming soon.  Even if I have to deal with the little amount of rocking that I have I could handle that.  Fingers are crossed that I continue to feel better. 

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