Monday, April 14, 2014

"Safe and Sound"~Captial Cities

I've come to realize that keeping up with day-to-day life and a blog has become a lot harder for me, but I'm trying to make the effort.

I wouldn't say I've hit a remission because I have not gone an entire week without symptoms, but I'm doing much better than I was this time last year.  I'm trying very hard to stay positive with it all.  Today was my first day that I went with pretty much ZERO symptoms!  It was such an odd feeling to feel my old self.  It was amazing, but there was a small part of me just waiting to be prepared for a wave to come through.  I would have a balance issue here and there, but for the most part there was no rocking or swaying or bobbing.  No pain in my ears, no pressure in my head.  I have felt so good today and yesterday.  

The last few weeks have been extremely stressful personally.  We have had a lot going on with family issues that we have had to work through, but at this point, everything is out of our hands.  I try to stay positive.  When my view starts to turn negative, I start jamming out to music.  Music has been my comfort for as long as I can remember, but lately it has been my go-to.  I've jumped from up-beat pop, to rock, to hip-hop and even country.  I've mixed up my playlist and its been awesome to find new music and old favorites. 

I've decided that I am going to try to find some outdoor venues that are having free concerts in the area to go hear some bands live.  I made it to a few last year and it was awesome.  

Everyday, I'm pushing harder to become better.  I have my set backs and I've learn to accept those.  I know how hard I can push myself and when I need to just be okay with the way things are.  Its all I can do.  I have learned that this is the way things are and this is the way I am.  

I'm feeling better about myself.  Don't get me wrong, I still have my frustrating days, but who doesn't?  And mine just come with a little wave riding.  I just need to get back on my surfboard and ride along whichever way the waves take me!

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