Friday, July 24, 2015

"Fight Song"~Rachel Platten

I want to start with a little explanation since I've gotten asked a few times about this.  The question is "Why song titles?" and also "How do you chose your titles?"  The answers are pretty simple.  

If you go back to some of my original posts I explained how music has always been a huge part of my life.  It has had a major impact on my life including my healing with MdDS.  I listed to music a lot in the beginning of my diagnosis because I couldn't watch TV or Movies because the motion of the screens would worsen my symptoms.  I couldn't read because the words would move around too much and cause major headaches, so all I could do was lay in bed and listen to music.  As I started moving around a going in public I found that having music playing in my ears helped me concentrate on myself instead of the world around me.  I was able to focus better on my tasks at hand instead of what the was going on all around me.  It helped me learn how to walk without looking drunk.  Finding a focal point in front of me and using the beat of the music for placement of my feet made walking so much easier.  I still use this tactic on my lower symptom days.   

I pick song titles for their lyrics or how the song makes me feel at the time.  The lyrics could not pertain to me at the time but the score motivate me to move of feel a certain way. Sometimes lyrics speak to that part of my life.  What I'm trying to accomplish, what I'm feeling, who is around me.  I chose them based on what I want to talk about or how I'm feeling that day.  So I'm going to start explaining the song choices because I typically don't explain why they are the titles of the post and who knows, it may inspire someone else.

So my post today:

I got through a whole week of work after being stuck at home for two weeks down & out.  I pushed this week to do what needed to get done.  I was able to work everyday for full days.  I came home and was able to edit a few books this week and get a couple of press releases typed up.  I worked hard this week and I'm so proud of myself.  

I finished this week by walking around Mt. Trashmore with one of my co-workers.  It was such a gorgeous evening to get out and get moving.  Last week this time I was barely moving around my room and now I'm walking around a for a hour after working an 8 hour day.  

I feel amazing.  I feel strong.  I feel proud.  

I also have been searching for new music to listen to and have come across some amazing songs and artists.  It's inspiring to me.  It makes me want to move around more and write more.  

I am hoping that this is a start of me getting back in the habit of writing again.  I have really missed it.  I forgot how much getting the good & bad out in my own words makes me feel so much better.  It's a part of who I am.  

So my song choice for today is "Fight Song" and it is about not giving up.  No matter what is going on in your life or if anyone else doubts you, you keep fighting for yourself.  You push through and become who you are supposed to be.  There is a lyric that says "This is my fight song, take back my life song, prove I'm all right song....'cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me."  I'm a fighter.  Even when I'm feeling at my lowest of lows, I still fight to do what I need to do.  I do my exercises no matter how many times I fall down.  I practice reading and writing even when the words move around.  I push to do even three stairs in my house, but I do it.  I'm not giving up.  I'm going to keep fighting.  


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