Monday, April 15, 2013

"Call Me Maybe"~Carly Ray Jepson

My mom helped me out with today's blog again too.   I was originally going to write about something completely different, but when I woke this morning she had sent a message about another good way music helps you.  A little background info....My mom works for a local hospital as a medical coder.  They receive emails regarding health issues, new studies regarding medical care, etc.  This email came to her this morning:

"It turns out that singing releases pent-up emotions, boosts relaxation, and reminds us of happy times, all of which help when stress  and blood pressure spike.  Oxytocin, the same hormone that bonds mothers to new babies and that makes you and your partner feel extra close, also surges after you croon a tune--whether it's in the shower or singing along with the radio while driving in the car.  UC Berkely reports that there is evidence of improved breathing, a stronger immune system and even anti-aging effects, all from nothing more than just belting out a tune or two.  
This week, pick your favorite tune and share it with the world--or maybe just the shampoo bottle--and reap the benefits of a positive boost to your health while having a really good time!" 

So I'm choosing a song that every girl from 2-55 in my family sings to the top of our lungs when we are in the car.  Saying my 2 year old niece is addicted to this song is an understatement.  She encourages everyone to sing and dance to it, and if you don't, well be prepared for her to tap you on your leg over and over telling you to sing the song.  
 Its fun to sing as loud as you can.  I always say, I can't sing, but I sure act like I do.  I can't carry a tune to save my life, but its fun to just drive down a road with the windows down singing fun songs.  Its even better when its songs that people wouldn't expect to hear, like blaring the Spice Girls, or Wham! or my sister and I love Tal Bachman's "She's So High" (it has that high note that we can't reach, but we certainly try to).  Sing loud, look around, you'll see people laughing at you, maybe even joining you,   Have fun with it.  
Hey, add some sweet arm dance moves, get it all out.  My sister is a beast at air bongo drums, my mom does a semi-mash potato move, I can throw out a mean sprinkler or even a cabbage patch, and our girls throw up some mean spirit fingers while they are buckled in their seats.  We look all kinds of crazy when we pull up to a stop light, but we are having fun, and that's what matters.  
It's one of those moments that you can care less about what the people next to you think.  You are free to be you.  And if you aren't ready to sing loud in the car, go for it in the shower!  The acoustics are better anyway.  Happy Monday!

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