Take a look around you and realize who is there with you. Could be that you have that one special person. Could be that you have a lot of people who have different parts of you. If you look hard enough you realize there are those that are there for the long haul and those that its just nice to have for that time being. You hope that people will be around forever, but that's not how life works. People move along, time doesn't stand still. You have a purpose, a meaning for being here and those people around you will help you get to that point. Surround yourself with those who you can trust and depend on and remember friendships are a two way street. You have to be just as trustworthy and dependable. You have to be open and honest. Those true to you will be okay with your honesty even if its not what they want to hear. They will accept you for who you are. Remember they have their opinions and honesty too. Accept it.
Why go on this rant on an MdDS blog? Well here's why....first more than MdDS suffers read this. I have befriended many people who are at an age where this message, I feel, is very important for them to understand. But also, it does have to do with MdDS and any other time that you are dealing with a huge issue. The support of those around is imperative to healing. Will it make our bodies stop rocking? No. But the amount of support those around us is so important. Having someone you can vent to, talk to. Having someone there to make you laugh, maybe even at yourself. Someone who can distract you from the frustrations of it all. Ask you friends to go with you to doctor
appointments, they can wait with you in the waiting areas. Invite them (if you are comfortable enough) to go back and talk to the doctors. Let them ask questions themselves so they can understand more. Friends are there for good and bad. They are an outlet to a world that we can't leave. We are stuck on this rocking world and those people will help. Sometimes they can be frustrating too because they don't understand, but you don't know what its like to have a friend with MdDS. You won't understand how they feel 100% because you are them, they aren't you. But you support each other. We tend to lose friends when we go through trials in life, but don't let this one long trial let you let go of those that you need.
Thanks to all my buddies past & present who have helped inspire me to write this. Thanks to those who have stuck by, to those who have come back, to those have been there through the worst with me and the best of times.
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