So Seth started the 2nd grade on Tuesday. So far he likes his teacher and his class. He says that he doesn't do any work, but it will start on Monday. Haha. I love that kid. Basically they are going over school/class rules and review of last year to see what they remember.
Lily and I started her preschool work yesterday. We are working on one letter and one number each day. We also did artwork using shapes. She already new what a circle, square, triangle & rectangle were so we made pictures using those items. She had so much fun that she wanted a repeat of it today.
As you know I live by routine now. The more I stick to my routine the better I feel and can cope with life's adventures and curve balls.
The time now is 7:30a.m. Every day my routine is waking up, letting the pup out, get dressed, make sure kids are dressed, make breakfast for everyone while finishing dishes from night before (hubby has been working really late so there's always leftovers), go start a load of laundry, send kids up for teeth brushing and then around the house to check all the pets food & water. We leave the house about 9-9:10 to walk to school. When Lily & I get home, we work on her school stuff. and then we take a break for lunch & quiet time where I work on another load of laundry. I work on my stuff (I'm trying to see about filing for disability since I still can't work). I have also been working on deep cleaning my house so I work on that for about an hour and then bring lily back for more school work. at 3:20 we leave to go walk to the school to pick up Bubba. We come home for snacks, the kids play, I clean and then start dinner about 6.
The time now is 7:30p.m. Kids are in the showers and then in jammies. 8:00 is bed time for them, and then I occupy my time with whatever until hubby gets home. I'm usually asleep by no later than 1:30-2:00 depending on my insomnia.
This schedule works for me. I am comfortable with it. I've even been able to add my little cousin coming over before & after school to walk (he goes to Larrymore too). Wednesdays is grocery day with my friend Anna to get the hang of couponing.
However if I'm having a normal day, apparently its not allowed to rain. Yesterday we had thunderstorms in the area. By the time it was time to leave we were at the back end of the storm. Lily and I started walking with our umbrellas which was okay until the wind started to get a little strong. The rain+umbrellas+4 year old excited about puddles+cars splashing in puddles=start of anxiety attack. The school has decided for pick up children that they will be picked up in the auditorium on rainy days. Large group of adults+a ton of kids+only 1 exit to get out of the room=severe panic attack. The walk home it took everything I had to stay calm. When I have anxiety attacks I become someone I have no clue who she is. Various things started going bad which was making me feel worse......until I snapped.....I broke down....I screamed at my poor kids until I was blue in the face. I've never yelled at my children like that. Their scared faces. It was like an out of body experience. I just collapsed to the floor and started crying. My son, his brave little soul, came to me and hugged me and told me it would all be okay. He loved me. And I needed a time out.
So mommy finished getting their dinner plates, and went to her room. 20 minutes later, I came out of my room feeling a tiny bit better. I apologized to my kids and told them that they have been such big helps and I was grateful to have them in my life. They forgave me and we continued on with our schedule. My punishment for it? I cleaned and re-organized my utility room, gutted mine & hubby's closet and reorganized that, and then I organized bins of clothes for the kids for future use and got rid of clothes that goes to the younger cousins.
I woke this morning feeling like I was hit with a Mac Truck (similar to the feeling you have right after getting over the flu). I've cut some of my normal routine out to accommodate the uneasy feeling. We shall see how the rest of today goes.
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