"The Catalyst"~Linkin Park
So like I've explained before, MdDS has made me have to re-learn how to do normal everyday activities. This includes housework. Housework has been one of the toughest to overcome. Josh has been working very long hours so I try to do as much as I can during the day and week so he doesn't have to worry about that as well as everything else. So I have finally mastered laundry. It sounds so simple, but believe me, the bending over and standing up is a pain and makes symptoms worse. Not to mention standing on your feet for a long time. I've included pictures so you can see exactly what my system is.
So first of all, here is my laundry room. I have a top loader washer and front load dryer. In between the two machines is a two draw bin. The top drawer has hangers for the kids clothes and the bottom is for adult clothes. On top of this bin is our laundry detergent (I get the big buckets from Sam's or Costco, unless I find cheaper in another store). All of my other detergents, bleach, stain removers and dryer sheets are on top of the dryer. There is an old detergent bin behind my soap for trash (lint, etc.) I have different baskets for different items. This basket shown is for towels. I have 3 other baskets for whites, lights, and darks. I try to sort clothes as people take them off. This takes away from work later. Most of my baskets are tall, but my towel basket is shorter (and has wheels so I can push it around since its the heaviest of baskets). This system works for me because everything is at my height level so it makes for less bending over. Also, as I've suggested for other MdDSers, using a long reach grabber will help get the clothes out of the bottom of the washer as well. If you have a front loader washer & dryer then use a stool so you can sit and just grab and toss from one to the other. It can help too.
Secondly, I love to reuse these detergent buckets for all kinds of stuff. My favorite use it to lift up baskets that are short to bring them up higher. Its not too much to lift it up on top of the bucket and then toss from basket to machine. Also if Lily wants to help, she'll use it as a stool to stand on so she can reach inside the washer.
Now, if you look at the picture above, you'll see a pile of laundry on the door to the dryer. I will do all reaching into the washer and put everything on the door until the washer is empty, and then push everything into the dryer. This makes its so I'm not bending to grab clothes, standing up and then bending to throw them in the dryer.
Now as far as hanging up goes. I'll take and sort the clothes, mine & Josh's and then Seth & Lily's. I'll fold all the clothes as I go through and then I'll hang later. I do this all either on the couch or on my bed so I'm not standing too much. I'll grab a bin of hangers and hang the clothes up together. The kids are responsible to put their folded clothes away and I hang the clothes in their closets or Josh will help me with it if I'm too worn out.
My laundry gets done throughout the week so I'm not loaded down with it, however there goes periods where it may not get hung up or folded right after because of symptoms being bad, so I do have to do some ironing, which I don't mind either.
I hope this helps. Anyone else have any good tips?
this is GREAT, thanks!! Ive been working on getting back into the swing of daily chores since my diagnosis of MDds in April, and you are so right - the little things seem to be the hardest, because they have the power to trigger the worst symptoms. My only other laundry tip would be...dont watch the laundry spin while its drying ;) hey, sometimes laughing at MdDs is the best medecine! Thanks for posting this with pics - you did a lot of work on it and these are really helpful hints!