Thursday, April 4, 2013

"Cruise (Remix)"~Florida Georgia Line ft. Nelly

So first, the song has nothing to do with the post, but i love this remix, so there. :-)  Second, I had to change the format again to the blog.   If it causes visual issues for anyone please let me know, I did okay with it, but I also do better with reading now.
I'm still alive this morning~WOO HOO! GOOOO ME!  At one point yesterday I had in my house my two kids, my niece, two cousins and three neighborhood kids.  Three 5 year olds, one 2 year old, a 7 and 8 year old, and two teens.  WOOO!
Honestly, it wasn't bad.  The kids mainly played outside all day.  Thank goodness for good weather.  We had a few minutes of where the noise level broke barriers, but it was under control.  I was even able to get Kiwi down for her nap for 2 whole hours!  
I thought I would be nice and take everyone for Slurpees at 7-11.  There is a store that is walking distance.  Everyone got a buddy and we walked together as a big crew.  It was a lot of fun.  We also had a good laugh at my expense.  As we walked out of store (so far only two kids out), a man was walking up with his daughter, I apologized that we were taking a few minutes to get out the door.  Our conversation went like this:
Me:  Sorry, I've got a crew with me. (the rest start flowing out the door)
Him:  Oh wow.  You do have a crew.  Are they ALL yours? Because you look good for that many!
Me:  Ummmmm, uhhhh.  No they aren't mine! HA!
My teenage cousin thought this whole situation was hysterical.  I'm sitting there thinking WTH man!  The teens are almost half my age.  There were at least four different races of kids.  Not to mention the three 5 year olds are only months apart in age.  Ok, so either I get around A LOT!  Or I decided to adopt the neighborhood....where's the child support?!  HA!  I got a great laugh out of it, and so did the teens and parents of the kids that I had.  I called my mom because it was so funny.  She said that that's how her mom used to be with them & their friends, and I remember my mom adopting many a cheerleader, and friend from school.  Everyone called her mom, heck they still do. 
By 6:30 everyone was picked up.  I didn't lose a shoe or coat or kid.  I still got dinner on the table by a reasonable hour.  
The unfortunate side, I thought running after everyone I would be able to sleep, but alas a low pressure system started coming in late at night which triggered a bout of insomnia.  The weird thing though is that I don't really feel it this morning.  I have a headache still from the system and my ears feel like they may explode, but other than that I'm doing pretty good with it.  May need to take a nap with my girl Kiwi this afternoon.  
Now, excuse me while I go listen to my new favorite song...

"My windows down, my seats back, my music up and we ride,
Her legs up on my dashboard, and that's just the way I like
Hey country girl this country boy likes everything about 'cha
Don't change a thing, no way, you stay the same, I gotcha
I like all that, all that, head to toe you all that
Tell old boy he can call back, send a text say fall back
Cause I can see you got a thing for the fast life,
So come on shorty let me show what the fast like"
~Cruise Remix ft. Nelly~Florida Georgia Line

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