Monday, April 29, 2013

"Freak Like Me"~Halestorm

It has been a crazy weekend, but I set my goals and I accomplished them.  Well most of them.  Our drill broke so I'm going to have to wait on the new blinds going up, but the rest is done.  I completely cleared out my office, got it repainted and reorganized.  Its set up so the kids can get in there to play on the computers, play games, do crafts and its a great distraction-free zone for Seth to do his homework. 
This week I want to get my hallway finished and stairwell and then I'll be done with the top portion of my house.  Then onto the next level which is the beast of the house.  Its a great room w/ cathedral ceilings...definitely going to have to call in help for that since I am not a fan of ladders anymore and I can't look up for long periods of time.
I'm also excited because I found a bunch of exercises that I can work on here at home so that I can start a new workout routine that won't throw me off too much.  I've tried  a few of them with ease.  I've noticed if I do the exercises in bare feet works better because I can adjust my balance better than when I'm in shoes.  
I look back at old posts and realize that I've come leaps and bounds from where I started almost one year ago.  Its been a constant uphill climb figuring out how to move forward with this.  I gave up on so much last year, and I want it back.  One step at a time I've been able to to do this.  I've had a ton of encouragement from everyone who surrounds me which helps.  Am I all the way back to where I was, of course not, but I'm getting there.  My good days are my favorite because I feel like I can do so much, like this weekend.  I went to bed last night with every muscle in my body hurting from working in the office, but it was a good hurt and I loved it.  
I woke in the middle of the night from pressure from the current storm coming in, but I've still gotten up this morning.  I've worked on some computer things, and now I'm off to start working on getting the hallway done.  I'm working through the pressure because I'm determined to get this done.  So I'll paint slower, I'll have to take breaks, but it will be done and I'll feel so much better. 
Taking one day at a time, looking around my home and feeling like I'm accomplishing something.  It is the best thing in the world. 

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