Friday, August 17, 2012

"Pure Shores"~All Saints

All day today was spent packing for my family's annual trip to Nags Head, NC.  We've been going to the same beach cottage with my grandparents since my mother was 16.  We all cram into this tiny cottage with one shower stall bathroom.  Sounds hectic and it is, but it is so much fun.   We laugh more there than any time of the year.  The cottage walks right out onto the beach which has always been my favorite part.

However, this year I am so nervous about going, for a lot of reasons.  1.  I am really worried about the sand/water.  I'm going to stick with just sand for awhile to see how I do.  2.  There is a ton of people in my family.  Small space, lots of people, lots of kids running around...even though it is family, it does cause some anxiety.  3.  I'm sure I'm going to forget to pack something.  

So I've made myself some tips.

1.  I know I can handle sand, because I've tried it before.  I have to just get to the umbrellas and I can sit in a chair and not move.  I will only TRY the water if it is extremely calm, and I'm not having a bad day already because I don't want to make symptoms worse.  
2.  Ton of people=lots of help with my own kids and my symptoms.  I can always just put my music on and go to a back room to calm down for awhile.  I have a very supportive family who will be glad to step up when I can't which is definitely helpful.  
3.  I wrote lists on Sunday.  I have been packing since Monday of this week.  If I forgot it wasn't meant to be.  

I am going on this trip, I'm going to stay down there, and I am going to have a good time.  I am going to continue my daily walks because I don't want to fall out of habit of not walking.  The more I make myself walk I start to feel good.  May not take the symptoms away, and some days actually makes them worse, but I need to do this for me.  Its my exercise to keep me somewhat healthy.  

The stress that MdDS brings on you for trips like this is crazy.  Its insane how much pressure we put on ourselves with this syndrome.  We build up the anxiety, the depression, and the misery...I'm not going to.  I'm going at this with a happy heart.  My grams (who passed away when I was 15) loved this cottage.  It has been my goal to be down there just for a little bit to be with her.  This time, I know she is watching out for me.  She is going to make sure that I'm happy, my kids are happy, and our family is happy through out the week.  I'm going to finish ALL of my packing tonight.  I'll get to play with my baby niece tomorrow morning, and then we will all get packed away in the car.  

I've planned it that we will stop a couple of times.  I'm not going to push myself in the car even though it is only a 2 hour drive, it is the longest drive that I will have taken since being diagnosed.  

I'm not going to write next week do to my trip and lack of wireless connection, however I will be able to update my facebook with pictures.  I'll see you all in a week!  Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy every minute with your family, they will love and support you.
