Monday, August 6, 2012

"Take A Walk"~Passion Pit

Woke today with only a little hangover from my Valium.  (Took only 1/2 a pill last night...think I'm going to try 1/4 of a pill).  I really don't like the hangover feeling.  Did my normal "Get Up" routine of bathroom, breakfast, teeth, dressed, however finding clothes that fit became a problem.  9 weeks of mostly couch sitting and really not eating healthy (mainly due to inability to cook right, but also a small addiction to Eggo blueberry waffles and Wise Cheez Waffles) I've gained right at 10lbs.  After successfully squeezing myself into a pair of jean shorts & t-shirt, I started my deep breathing exercises to mentally prepare myself for my first walk around the neighborhood.  
My Poppa met me at 9 am on my front porch.  My goal to walk around the block without ever having to grab his hand or arm and without stopping to sit or close my eyes.  My focus was to walk at my normal pace using my counting for my steps like in rehab.  Each turn I focused on something in front of me and every 4 steps I would count "1, 2, 3, 4."  Also my Pops would continuously talk with me which was a good distraction.  We also took my beautiful pups Creamer.  She walked a foot behind me (like usual since this started).  She was a happy pup to be home.  
HOWEVER!  I walked more than just around the block!!!  My neighborhood has a lot of turns and curved roads.  In actuality I probably walked more like 3 blocks!!!  I was definitely tired, but I felt so proud of myself.  I immediately got on the phone with Josh to tell him what I did!! 
Afterward I went to my sister's place to hang with her and my niece.  I came home after a day with her, fed the kids, got Seth ready for Boy Scouts, went to scouts (thanks to mom driving), and even finished coupon clipping.  
I've decided I'm also going to keep track of how much I am saving with coupons and start working towards purchases for the house.  Even though we can't do any of the big stuff I want, if we do the little things one by one, I think Josh & I will both feel like we are accomplishing something.
 Well, that's all for today, and I think that is enough!  I've only had to take 1 Meclizine, I never put a patch on yesterday, but I am tonight because I'm feeling all over the place.  

So today "I took a walk Take a walk, take a walk, take a walk Take a walk, oh-oh-oh Take a walk, 0h-oh-oh I took a walk" haha 

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