I made my trip to Richmond okay. We left Friday night kinda late and got up there really late. The next day we prepared for my girl Drea's 30th! I wouldn't have missed it for anything! She had a black & white soiree and it was a blast. We decorated her house so cute! I was doing so well that, with help from my hubby, I was able to hang decorations up high on a wall with a chair! I was so stable feeling on Saturday with only a few times that I felt slightly dizzy. Then the party started, and as people started pouring into the house I decided to hide out in the kitchen were it was slightly less chaotic. As I became used to the crowd, I was able to move around and converse normally with the guests. My husband was by myside the whole time. I know I pushed myself way too much, but I will not let this control me. I will not let this takeover my life and tell me what I can and cannot do. I refuse to miss out on my best friends birthday. I put on a brave face and I tell people that I'm fine. If I'm not fine, I sit down or move to a less crowded area. Sunday I woke feeling dreadful. I took a nap before we had to start the trip back home and I slept most of the way back.
I have become stubborn with this. I've put my foot down and told myself that no longer will this make me miss out on what I want to do, so I push hard. Sometimes I push too hard, but I want to live my life. There are days where even me pushing myself isn't enough and I'm stuck laying around the house, but I do what I can.
On a side note, I love that my kids love music as much as I do. They dance for me when I can't. They sing my favorite songs when they think I'm not listening. They are at a good age to appreciate all types of music. Lily informed me that she loves the girl music, however her favorite song at the moment is "We Are Young" by Fun. She loves to dance to anything. It cracks me up that I watch Ellen everyday and she has to dance with Ellen. We even have to rewind the recording so she can dance some more. Seth is into LMFAO. He's learned all the words to "Party Rock" and "Sorry for Party Rocking."
Music is healing for me and I'm glad to see that my kids ask for the volume up so they can rock out. I zone out and they rock out!
**I would like to note that I started this blog earlier this week. I was in the process of editing it, when tragedy hit today on the news. I originally wasn't going to post today, but decided that I needed to.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected by the shooting in Connecticut. It is a horrible tragedy and my heart goes out to those children, teachers, parents, school officials, families, and community members. I cannot wrap my head around how all of this has happened, as most of the country feels this pain. To talk to my son about what happened was so hard, but he asked me questions and knows that I am always honest and will answer what I can. I brought the details down to his level, told him what I felt was appropriate information to an extent. What brought me to tears again today was that he said, "Mommy, God was ready for those babies to go home. Can we pray for them so they can look out for other kids like me and my friends?" Out of the mouth of babes!**